Sunday, 25 December 2011

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Friday, 2 December 2011
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Monday, 31 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011

pointless poem to a retarded alien entity
we are born aliens
we share an alien humanity
a potential to circumvent our alien nature
in honour of the very few that manage this transitional grace/we call upon them for their leadership
the woman who tends her child on a garbage heap/and sells her body for scrap iron/to later trade it for food
the man who disperses a pack of starved wolves/by sitting down in their midst/putting his skinny bones up for offer
the little girl/who stares out of the sickness she is condemned for/with only compassion for those who seek her demise
the boy who leaps into the volcano to save the village he comes from
we are born onto a virgin mothership
in our alien mirrors we write nothing/we hold feathers/but can not draw ink
in our alien passports/we collect alien stamps
in our alien baths/we leave alien rings
in our alien banks/we trust our alien money
in our alien lives/we suffer an alien sorrow.
the true alien we find/when we know we are aliens too/is a human alien
[adhering to one sentence only/written on the wall of a cave/ in the south of france/ 32000 years ago:]
"I told you so"
Thursday, 13 October 2011

What a celebrity showcasing his bedroom on national television might as well be saying instead of «this is where the magic happens».
«This is where I sleep. Alone.»
«This is where suppression begins.»
«This is where I bring prostitutes.»
«This is where maintaining a heterosexual poster boy image to sell millions of [insert commodity here] to millions of people, while I secretly fraternise with men in parks, at night, is really put to the test. I call this room Narnia.»
«This is where the magic happens. The full three minutes of it.»
«This is where the maid cleans three times a week, while I sleep in generic hotel rooms. In fact, this is the first time I've been in here.»
«This is where I cry.»
«This is where I eat the majority of my dinners.»
Thursday, 18 August 2011

I will stay with you
until you realise who I am
and then
it's you
you will stay with me
until I realise who you are
and then
it's me
I will stay with you
until you realise who I am
and then
it's you
you will stay with me
until I realise who you are
and then
it's me
I will stay with you
until you realise who I am
and then
it's you
you will stay with me
until I realise who you are
and then
it's me
I will stay with you
until you realise who I am
and then
it's you
you will stay with me
until I realise who you are
and then
it's me
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Monday, 1 August 2011

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Eleven poems to Osama Bin laden
are we not dissimilar you and I/ hiding in plain sight for ten years/ luxuriously overlooked/ not abandoned/ not remembered/ tomorrow's obituaries tattoed on burnt skin/
too dark/ too dark to write now that you're gone/
too dark/ too dark to write now that I'm gone /
are we not dissimilar you and I/ we inhabit the same street/ we anticipate the same milkman/ and the same drunken idiot to knock the milk over / through the windows/ we see the same bodies that are not there/ the same surrendered place that letters arrive to/
the same dust will settle on our sunken bodies/ in the same submerged chest of drawers/ adorned with the same unspecified carvings/
the mandala of our life/
when yours is disturbed/ so is mine
we are falling apart peacefully/ perfectly/
our glow-in-the-dark skin is humming saliently in the constant evening/ as the exterminators make their rounds/ under another broken moon
we are blinded/ from feigning a light that grew too strong/ we are blinded/ caught up in a pointless supernova of seduction/
our wings ablaze/ we are moths/ radiating briefly
before being terminated/ in the questionable stillness of a philosophers candlelight
do you/ like me/ look towards that mountain/
unsure if it can know/ where it began/
and if possible/ where it will end/
and at the same time/
if it can know that it has ended already/
no more volcanic hellos and goodbyes/
or longings towards conversations/ where you open up/
and say; we can be the same/ rock hard and loving/
all questions made for us/ and answers/
definitely/ always there/
growing for no reason at all/
do you ever justify dreams/
do you ever think it is your task to forgive the sun/
do you ever find the time to write poetry/

5. (television)
house/ castle/ camelot/ the office/
smallville/ community/
south park/ parks and recreation/
the walking dead/ entourage/ lost/
friends/ breaking bad/ mad men/ breaking in/
sons of anarchy/ navy cis : la/ the killing/
prison break/
make it or break it/ big bang theory/
x files/ bonanza/
true blood/ workaholics/
6. (film)
showdown at boot hill/ when hell broke loose/
never so few/ the magnificent seven/
master of the world/ a thunder of drums/ X-15/
Kid Galahad/
the great escape/ 4 for Texas/ battle for the bulge/
the sandpiper/ the guns of Diablo/
this property is condemned/
the dirty dozen/ guns for san sebastian/
farewell friend/ villa rides/ once upon a time in the west/ lola/
rider on the rain/
you can't win em all/ violent city/
cold sweat/ someone behind the door/
red sun/
Chato's land/
the Valachi papers/
the mechanic/ the stone killer/ chino/ mr Majestyk/
death wish/ break out/ breakheart pass/
hard times/ from noon till three/ St Ives/
the white buffalo/ telefon/ love and bullets/
borderline/ cabo blanco/ deathhunt/
death wish 2/ 10 to midnight/
the evil that men do/
death wish 3/ Murphy's law/ assassination/
death wish 4 : the crackdown/ messenger of death/
forbidden subjects/ the indian runner/
death wish 5 : the face of death/
7. (porn)
young and naughty/ weekend delights/ unwilling lovers/ stripped for action/ vicious virgin/ barbara the barbarian/ a place beyond shame/ a climax of blue power/
caught from behind/ devil's playground/ dracula exotica/ dirty looks/ endless nights/ girls of the third reich/ getting ahead/ for your thighs only/
intimate lessons/ illusion of ecstacy/
lust at first bite/ secret desire/ platinum paradise/
ressurection of eve/ wild wild west/ three phases of eve/
scent of a woman/ perverted passions/ fringe benefits/ first time at cherry high/
behind the green door/ beyond fulfillment/
dark passions/
baby face/ hot lips/
cat vomit
still adorns
the antechambers of my house
a guzzling alien entity
waits with mock egyptian pride
for me
to feed it it's next poem
twentyone-round missile salutes
five underground nuclear detonations
and a hug
(single bullet theory)
entry wound: second world trade center/ high shoulder
exits through collective shame and latent paranoia, shaved chest/ mid-region/ around the second costal cartillage/ re-enters in open cavity way below colonial history/ scurries around only to dart out into the left ear of a laughing buddha/ muscles through and shoots off into the dark matter at the center of every universe/
(letter, part two)
send my love to Bobby Fischer
(floating polystyrene tombstone)
remember my smiles
they are a now a big smile
in a face of stone
Saturday, 18 June 2011

it drags on in skindergade/ old lullabies
and historic whispers/ all come together
it's night in the daytime/ and all
is let loose/ the cranes/ in frederiksberg
garden/ are jollypicking the quiet desperation
of a multitude of wheelchaired men
suddenly electrified by being subjected
to grace
water from boarded up kitchens
is instantly holified in the cup holders
two stories up/ in a house/ in another
part of town/ a silent prostitute
on creaking floorboards
returns to bed in amagerfƤlledvej
venetian blinds set with scotch tape
lightly adorns her persian rugs
in the universities/ students carry pillowcases
and heavy feathers/ into the dayful nighttime
haunted by vicissitudes of absent ghosts
in the city/ people stop inhabiting coffins
upscale graveyards are downscaled
into midscale real estate
kongens nytorv is up for grabs
but nobody knows
israels plads is given up
to a bilingual junkie
hc ƶrsteds park is flooded by the city council
while the green grass/ of long forgotten
hunting grounds pushes through
sidewalks/ worn thin/ by the ambulance
of time
bicycles/ unknowingly/ jinglebelly in
the break of every dawn
in lustrous ouvertures/ the pavement
crack like glass/ at the feet
of the returning game
suddenly catapulted
into the highlights of contemporary obscurity
the fifth floors of nƶrrebro/ ƶsterbro
vesterbro/ frederiksberg/ valby/ vanlƶse and
nordvest/ are no longer conquered
by her majestys regimented postal workers
they deliver their letters at home
to vary recipients/ sickened by this exaggerated
indulgence in correspondance/ and progress
and effort/ and the tiresome truth
that words carry on
from a dull microphone in griffenfeldtsgade
unplugged/ every syllable of every poem
from the beginning to the end
of the literary war/ is sung silently
as a hush
picked up only/ in a tower of prayer
discarded in a basement near mjƶlnerparken
and further out/ in klampenborg
in a heavily bejeweled tower of song/ that
bridges the precipice between two soggy mounds
it's bells hanging on the outside/ like tangents
for the deer and the rabbits
and the hedgehogs to cross and play on
the sparrows prepare their beaks
at blƄgƄrdsplads/ by rinsing them
in glimmering crescents of reappearing light
the seas manufature comforting whimpers
as the waters refract
their golden hibernation
the fish parade from nordhavn to sydhavn
to christianshavn/ like underwater unicorns
to umbillically undulate at kanin Ćø
so it is time again/ you realise
for knippelsbro to never/ and always
lower it's corrugated body into the
ultramarine slumber
of an innercity basin
for langebro to unite/ and reunite
the anemic brick houses of amager
with the anemic brick houses of the city
in a two-way blood transfusion
time/ you think/ to realise
that the bridges are not really burning
but are merely obscured
by the return of the sun
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

soria moria gloria mundi
on a silverlined norwegian fjord
from waters deep below/ beams a light
from a hundred fish
turning their bellies up towards the sun
the blinded fishermen speak of stories
a timeless chatter
that rises up through corridors
all bent and twisted from neglect
norway/ they all begin
soon those sagas will be forgotten
and there will only be the tales
inscribed on your oily skin
norway/ they all continue
you fell by the sword too easily
and now you complain
because you are drowning in paperwork
another kind of man
should come from this
one that rises with the sun every morning
and holds the mountains like a crown
above his naked head
the andes/ the alps/ the rocky mountains
all this stone that has happened
will happen again
these mountains are also rolling
into history carelessly
to never talk of events transpired
but like neruda/ they also ask
what will come after the blood in the streets
what will come after the blood in the streets
Thursday, 12 May 2011

the river pregnant with murky history
let's you into it's slipstreams and takes
you past undetonated WWII mines
tagged with random graffiti
"SEX" or
past unstoppable alcoholics who vomit
incessantly on their flickering reflections
past street kids warming around
Mother Shipton's bonfire
throwing burning kisses at whoever passes by
{who ever passes by}
past scruffy looking druids scavenging the remains
of some crumbled financial tower
{avenging a holy trumpet}
past television personalities
still undiscovered
past unlit beacons and smiling nightmen
guardians of wheels and kegs
cobblestoned shouts of trade and misery
{carbon dioxide treachery, or the sun eclipsed behind a powerful mountain top}
past the oak and the old rock that you know so well
and the sleeping giant in the blueberry patches
past suburban residencies with fake cave paintings
adorning the hallways
curtains shut tight
{cursed sights}
past the garden animals
almost returning to grass again
the moss and the heath
the last line of trees
the open sea
the fog
and the new cities
quietly building within you
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Ode to an English beach
to decipher
the love letters
sent by your precambrian self
you sit down with a pen
you imagine to be made
from frozen sunbeams
and write:
"consider/your next move with care/to think love and die/might seem pleasant /but/you will inevitably be driven back /into the sea/by a future self//if you see a way out/take it"
you post it to nowhere
the next morning
that never came
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Thursday, 17 March 2011

ma jor qui
palma/ the singing belly vs the laughing heart. /santanyi - mondrago/ homes, heavens, mirrored images, rebirth, to roll out on a dragon's tongue made of stone/andratx - sa coma/ the enormous transcendence of a person daring enough to withdraw from it's own creation only to take part in another's /deiĆ / hymns to jesus sung by donkeys on twisted sugar tops of adoration/fornalutx/ an orange orchard for every gravestone/es capdela – calvia/ people springing out of and overgrowing their prophecies, purity as an egg on a dried-out river bank, or a ball of mud trickling down a stream of painted diamonds/

banyalbufar – sa calobra/ signs pointing to shangri-las eaten by thick layers of fog, time gnawing away at the weathered rocks leaving a garden/formentor/ cliffs orchestrated by goats, beaches left beautiful by the absence of sun-worshippers/magalluf – portals nous/ breathe out and disappear, or reappear, in the image of me riding an electrical bull that is whipped by a sleepwalking audience, car keys rattling as they walk away unecstatically into the night, missing their boats and yachts by just a step, washing up on the before empty beaches smiling, the next day/
Thursday, 3 March 2011

Decorating the core
at the core/ that which is resting at the core/ next to/ nothing
else/ this very thing at the core/ which we need know nothing
about/ that we decorate/ and make up/ to resemble that which
rests outside/ this very thing at the core/ that sparks/
and thinks to be a bonfire/ but also is unknowing/
and wants to know/ nothing/
has begun/ to move/ further in/
to what/
Saturday, 26 February 2011

being begin being
the newspaper is lifted by the passing wind
and emits a tiny flutter
a powerless front page
with no desire to be read
is forced into importance
by the wind
who can't reach the funny pages
without eyes
i am here
by what power am i here
it says
or it is written by the wind
with every breath
Monday, 14 February 2011

head past the wife the man the little one
the brother and sister sleeping the
nightwatchman sleeping the town crier sleeping
go to the fields the woods the clearing
the mountain with the fire tongue the iceberg
head past the country doctor on a routine assignment
the landscapers the forest ranger and the crackling bell tower the rural minimalist painting extinct sunsets at the benefit of readily tired benefactors
the artisans the innkeeper's gluttonous glare
the drunken people sleeping head past the fairy queen dressed as a snail the faun sucking on a dry pipe the rat and the squirrel king fighting arduously over a frozen pea the tempest owl beckoning kisses with it's rotten beak
go to the last ocean the bottomless pond
the empty car park at the end of the land
go to the real wilderness there is no hunger