Thursday 1 November 2012

(engine revving)

do not ask me to summarise all the signs/ that emanate from the trivial and transitory/ proposing to leap from the trivial and transitory/ into the industrious and frantically mystical/ at two o clock in the morning in Tbilisi International Airport/ let me just quickly mention the perturbing sight of two men/ eyes closed/ spinning heaps of luggage into cling film coccoons/ with a gusto that can only find its roots in teosophic scriptures concerning oriental dance/ coccoons/ that later will fill the gap between check-in desk 21 and 23/ and then disappear on electric carpets into a dusty pit / only to return as disagreeable moths/ that will be forever drawn to the ecstatic light gushing out of your love scar/ towards the hole that is filled with a kiss/
or the other way round/ towards the kiss that is filled with a hole/ 

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