Eleven poems to Osama Bin laden
are we not dissimilar you and I/ hiding in plain sight for ten years/ luxuriously overlooked/ not abandoned/ not remembered/ tomorrow's obituaries tattoed on burnt skin/
too dark/ too dark to write now that you're gone/
too dark/ too dark to write now that I'm gone /
are we not dissimilar you and I/ we inhabit the same street/ we anticipate the same milkman/ and the same drunken idiot to knock the milk over / through the windows/ we see the same bodies that are not there/ the same surrendered place that letters arrive to/
the same dust will settle on our sunken bodies/ in the same submerged chest of drawers/ adorned with the same unspecified carvings/
the mandala of our life/
when yours is disturbed/ so is mine
we are falling apart peacefully/ perfectly/
our glow-in-the-dark skin is humming saliently in the constant evening/ as the exterminators make their rounds/ under another broken moon
we are blinded/ from feigning a light that grew too strong/ we are blinded/ caught up in a pointless supernova of seduction/
our wings ablaze/ we are moths/ radiating briefly
before being terminated/ in the questionable stillness of a philosophers candlelight
do you/ like me/ look towards that mountain/
unsure if it can know/ where it began/
and if possible/ where it will end/
and at the same time/
if it can know that it has ended already/
no more volcanic hellos and goodbyes/
or longings towards conversations/ where you open up/
and say; we can be the same/ rock hard and loving/
all questions made for us/ and answers/
definitely/ always there/
growing for no reason at all/
do you ever justify dreams/
do you ever think it is your task to forgive the sun/
do you ever find the time to write poetry/

5. (television)
house/ castle/ camelot/ the office/
smallville/ community/
south park/ parks and recreation/
the walking dead/ entourage/ lost/
friends/ breaking bad/ mad men/ breaking in/
sons of anarchy/ navy cis : la/ the killing/
prison break/
make it or break it/ big bang theory/
x files/ bonanza/
true blood/ workaholics/
6. (film)
showdown at boot hill/ when hell broke loose/
never so few/ the magnificent seven/
master of the world/ a thunder of drums/ X-15/
Kid Galahad/
the great escape/ 4 for Texas/ battle for the bulge/
the sandpiper/ the guns of Diablo/
this property is condemned/
the dirty dozen/ guns for san sebastian/
farewell friend/ villa rides/ once upon a time in the west/ lola/
rider on the rain/
you can't win em all/ violent city/
cold sweat/ someone behind the door/
red sun/
Chato's land/
the Valachi papers/
the mechanic/ the stone killer/ chino/ mr Majestyk/
death wish/ break out/ breakheart pass/
hard times/ from noon till three/ St Ives/
the white buffalo/ telefon/ love and bullets/
borderline/ cabo blanco/ deathhunt/
death wish 2/ 10 to midnight/
the evil that men do/
death wish 3/ Murphy's law/ assassination/
death wish 4 : the crackdown/ messenger of death/
forbidden subjects/ the indian runner/
death wish 5 : the face of death/
7. (porn)
young and naughty/ weekend delights/ unwilling lovers/ stripped for action/ vicious virgin/ barbara the barbarian/ a place beyond shame/ a climax of blue power/
caught from behind/ devil's playground/ dracula exotica/ dirty looks/ endless nights/ girls of the third reich/ getting ahead/ for your thighs only/
intimate lessons/ illusion of ecstacy/
lust at first bite/ secret desire/ platinum paradise/
ressurection of eve/ wild wild west/ three phases of eve/
scent of a woman/ perverted passions/ fringe benefits/ first time at cherry high/
behind the green door/ beyond fulfillment/
dark passions/
baby face/ hot lips/
cat vomit
still adorns
the antechambers of my house
a guzzling alien entity
waits with mock egyptian pride
for me
to feed it it's next poem
twentyone-round missile salutes
five underground nuclear detonations
and a hug
(single bullet theory)
entry wound: second world trade center/ high shoulder
exits through collective shame and latent paranoia, shaved chest/ mid-region/ around the second costal cartillage/ re-enters in open cavity way below colonial history/ scurries around only to dart out into the left ear of a laughing buddha/ muscles through and shoots off into the dark matter at the center of every universe/
(letter, part two)
send my love to Bobby Fischer
(floating polystyrene tombstone)
remember my smiles
they are a now a big smile
in a face of stone