Wednesday 28 October 2009

how I celebrated the CNN reporting that todays breaking news were: NO BREAKING NEWS:

I plunged onto the streets
and grabbed an unknown man
what country are you from
what country are you from
"I am from.."
can it be bought
can it be bought
the man dropped to the ground
and turned into a turtle shell
I picked it up
and wore it as a hat
for the remainder of the day

how I dwelled in delicate torture and ended up a smiling and delightful human being:

I carried that torch
you saw me carrying that torch
that torch, how I carried it
from Olympus to Olympus
that flame, never dwindling
as columns of stone underneath me
fell into ruins
we share our doubts
don't we
how do we persist
block upon block
in tiny apartments
with scared cats
scuttling under beds for shelter
beneath my cerulean heart
can you hear those mythological mountains
skies and bodies
skies and bodies
how familiar it sounds
to my clear blue cerulean heart